
Perfect Studying Stations

The music you choose when you're studying is crucial. If it's something you like, you'll be distracted and want to sing along. If it's something you don't like, you'll be unhappy while you're listening and studying. Typically, I listen to music that doesn't have any words so I'm not tempted to sing along! Here are some of my favorite Pandora stations to help you study better. (Also try Songza. I recently got the app and I love it! It's so helpful!) Sorry for such a short post but, I'm right in the middle of studying for finals!

1// Soothing & Relaxation Station (This is my favorite)
2// Film Scores Station (Kayla told me about this one and it's great!)
3// Instrumental Folk Radio
4// Classical For Studying Radio
5// Jazz Radio
6// Zen Garden

I hope these work for you! And if you have any that are good also, let me know!!

What are your favorite Pandora Stations for studying?

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