
Ways to Show Thanks

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Pumpkin pies, huge turkeys, family, football, traditions are all headed our way. But in society today, we don’t appreciate everything that we have. This season, let’s take the time to say “Thanks” to everyone who deserves one!

Thank You Notes// Sending an old-fashioned, hand-written thank you note is a great way to show thanks to people who have done something for you, sent you or have given you something. It takes little to no time at all, but if someone sees that you’ve taken the time to write a thank you, they’re more willing to do the same thing again!

Baking// Nothing says thank you quite like a plate full of cookies! If you’re invited over for a party, or someone watched your dog for a week, bake them a plate of cookies, it takes time and effort, but they’ll thank you for the yumminess that you provided for them!

Hugs// It’s this time of year we really need to appreciate our family. And there’s nothing better than saying thanks to your parents, or guardians by giving them a nice warm hug and saying “Thank you for everything you do for me!”

Gift Basket// Head to your local Dollar Tree or Dollar Store and grab a medium sized basket and start packing in small, cute, Fall and Thanksgiving goodies you know your loved one would love! 

Dates// You can always take your loved one you want to say “thank you” to out on a date! Go grab some food, and take them to a movie. Some good quality time with your loved ones will definitely say “thanks”!

What are some other ways to show thanks?

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