
Stay In or Go Out?

“Should I stay in or go out?” College students ask themselves this question multiple times a week (I know some people who asked this question daily). It’s inevitable. You just got comfy in bed, a movie on, popcorn popped. You get a text from a friend asking if you want to join them in their plans for the night. Should you stay in or should you go out?

Sometimes the answer is more obvious. If you have a test or major assignment due the next day, stay in. Your grades are not worth the sacrifice for one night of fun. Stay in, study your little heart out, and go out another night. More often than not, this is the route I had to choose.

As you may know, I’m in interior design major. This requires hours and hours of drawing and drafting homework. I can’t just put it off until the next day, because the classes they were for were first thing in the morning – and three hours long.

It got very annoying, and I really hated the fact that my girlfriend was out hanging with our friends or my roommate was coming in late after hitting up Sup Dogs. However, I made the honor roll first semester and the Dean’s list the second semester. For me, I’ll miss a few movies and a couple of hot dogs to secure my future.

Maybe you’re like me and you have bad anxiety. It’s so easy for me to stay in and watch a movie while my friends are out having fun. It’s easy for me to say no to my neighbor asking if I want to grab dinner. It would cause me way too much anxiety to have to get dressed, get the plans, and actually follow through with them, so I’m much more inept to stay in.

DON’T DO THAT. GO OUT! If you’re like me (and I’m really going to try to hold myself to this, this year!) GO OUT! Say yes! Go out with your friends on Thirsty Thursday (be careful, watch your drinks, don’t get a drinking ticket, only drink if you’re 21 ;)). Say yes to lunch with your roommate. Say yes to a coffee date with your neighbor a few doors down.

Go to football games. Go to frat parties (see advice above). Go see a movie on campus. Participate in events. Get to know the people in your major. Make a study group. Order pizza with your roommate at midnight and binge watch the Bachelor. Go on a date. Make friends and make memories.

This is all of the advice I wish someone had told me last year. I made really great grades, and I’m really proud of myself for that. But I also wish I could have carved even a little bit more time out for making friends and memories. So please listen to me and learn from my “mistake”. Go out. Or stay in. Do what is best for you. Make smart decisions. Don’t let your grades suffer. Do your readings. Do your homework. GO TO CLASS. But also have fun! It’s supposed to be the best time of your life, so take advantage of it!

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