
How to Be Productive Over Winter Break from College

Finals for most people are over with and I know a lot of people are so thankful and ready to be done. I am definitely one of those people. After I finished my last final I went home and laid down for about a full day. But then the next day I got up and I got back to work. I had a ton of work for my freelance job to do and I wanted to post a blog post. As much as I wanted to just veg, I had to get things done to keep my life in order. It's so tempting to just not want to do anything over break and just watch Christmas movies and lay on the couch. But it's important not to do that and to keep being productive over winter break so that you can easily move back into the flow of things when second semester starts. How can you do that?

1 - Make a list// There are always things I want/need to do that I think of during the semester but I just don't time for. I need to create an Interior Design professional portfolio, update my resume, and clean out the closet in my office but I just have not had time. I'm going to start tackling these tasks during the break. If you have tasks like that, now is the time to get it done!

2 - Put the items on your list into your planner// Now that you know what you need to do, space these items out so that you can do them, but you're not feeling any stress trying to get them done.

3 - Write down fun things// This is the most wonderful time of the year! Go ice skating, go see the new Star Wars movie, go Christmas shopping for your loved ones. But do something that you love. You don't have to be all business all the time. If there are some Christmassy things you want to do, write them down too!

4 - Dedicate time every day to get things done// For me, it's in the morning/early afternoon. I have my cup of coffee and watch "The Daily Show with Trevor Noah" in the morning on the couch and then I move into "my office" to get started on my freelance job, working on my blog and any other odds and ends. I do it in the morning so that I have the rest of the day to do yoga, workout, take Koda on a walk, hang out with Kayla, etc. What time is best for you?

5 - Take Time If You Need It// While it is smart to keep grinding even when you're not in school, if you feel like you're getting burned out, definitely take time if you need it. Don't keep pushing to get stuff done and check things off of your list if you feel that you can't do it.

How do you stay productive over break?

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