
Finding a Career or Passion

I am going to register for my second sophomore semester next month and I’ve been thinking a lot about my future. What do I want to do? Am I ever going to find a job after college? Am I going to be able to support myself/my family? What if I choose the wrong thing? What if I don't like what I'm doing? What if I can't support myself? What am I going to do in 5 years? 10 years? What if I start with a major and take all of these classes and not like it?

My senior year doing one of my many mini breakdowns I went and talked to one of my most trusted teachers who I have known for almost all of my life. She really helped calm me down and gave me some great advice I would like to share with you in hopes that if you're struggling about these kinds of things too, you'll get help also.

ALSO my little sister is graduating this year and is currently going through what I was two years ago. So this is what I would say to her, and what I was told to try and get me through one of the hardest decisions of my life – deciding where to go to school. I even use a lot of these now when dealing with some college problems!

Make a pros/cons list: This isn't something that she told me to do, but it is something that I plan on doing for myself. I think it could help me to see the good things and the bad things about the majors/careers I'm contemplating.

Go in undecided: Now, if you're a high school Senior, go in undecided. Get a lot of your required classes (English, health, math, etc.) over with. Take a class or two of something you are interested in and see if you like it. THEN decide.

Talk to professors: Even if you don't have that particular professor that semester, go and talk to one in the field you're interested in. Maybe they have some advice for you. Ask plenty of questions that you have prepared.

Enjoy yourself: You're still just a kid. You don't need to find out what exactly you're going to be doing for the next 50 years of your life as a graduating high school senior. Enjoy your last days as a high schooler, and the first year of being a college kid. Leave figuring out your future for Sophomore, Junior and Senior year of college and really start brainstorming and working towards what you want.

Job Shadow: If you're not sure about a field, go and job shadow. Get an internship. Get a job. Do some research. Learn everything there is to know about each field and see if that's something you're still interested in.

You DO NOT have to decide what you want, who you want to be, what you want to do, etc. right now. You're young. Go out and have fun. You can change your major 12309120983 times and still be okay (as long as you can still get all the credits you need for you final major). You may graduate with one major, and 10 years down the road decide that's not for you, and go back for masters.

I hope that you find what you're looking for and you're happy with what you choose. Don't stress. Everything you will turn out the way it's supposed to in the end. DON'T WORRY! :)

What are you considering for a career? What are your plans for the future? How did you make those decisions?


  1. All great tips!
    It's great that you're realizing these as a sophomore.
    When I was in college I thought it was never going to end and I didn't even start to think about these things until later.

    xoxo, Jenny || Breakfast at Lillys

  2. Shadowing a job is one of the best ways to feel out a career! Just be sure your mentor is a person who will be open and honest about the profession!

  3. Love this! I'm so big on making lists to decide!

  4. Great tips! Having internships in desired fields that you show interest in can also help a lot with making this decision!!

    xoxo A

  5. I like the tip of going in undecided. I wish I would've done that and experimented more with my classes!

    How 2 Wear It [] http://how2wearit.com

  6. It's so good that you're already thinking about your career and planning for it! I definitely agree with the part about going "undecided". I think it's really important to explore all the areas that you're interested in before trying yourself to one major.

  7. I graduated a year and a half ago and I am still figuring out what I want to do with my life. It is so difficult to choose a career path, I think testing the waters with internships and job shadowing is incredibly helpful!

  8. Job shadowing is such a great option and so many companies are open to it! Great recommendation!

    Sara Kate Styling

  9. This is a great list! I chose my career path (secondary education) because of one of my high school teachers. I think having a mentor you can go to is so important because their guidance can help you go farther than you ever dreamed. I know you're going to do great, don't worry about a thing!

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  10. Those are some great tips. Luckily, I've known my passion for a while so I got lucky in that sense but I can definitely see how it can cause a breakdown!

  11. Job shadowing or interning is a great way to discover what you like and dislike.

  12. Girl yes! I feel like I'm having a quarter life crisis and I'm trying to pinpoint my passion. I want to find a job I love, but I'm struggling at the moment..

    Nicole // Chronicling Home

  13. Such a great post! This is some really helpful info! I definitely made a pros and cons list when really trying to find my career!

    xo Ashley

  14. Seriously some great tips - I don't think I could talk enough about job shadowing especially, what a better way to (a) find out if you even enjoy the field and (b) network, network, network!

    Pick Your Beau

  15. Even 1.5 years into my career I still don't feel passionate and that is a scary thing! I think at 23 it's okay not to be sure :)

  16. It's my Sophomore year as well, and I still have no idea what I am going to do. It honestly stresses me out so much, I don't know what to do sometimes! Great post though!

    xoxo Lex // LexMeetsWorld

  17. The best thing you can do is go into everything as "undecided." At 25 and working in the industry I'm passionate about, I'm still undecided as to what my career will be - best to keep an open mind! x Nicole | www.changeanddress.com

  18. These are great tips! Lucky for me I started with a major and a minor, so when I felt like my minor was more of what I wanted to do I didn't get behind when I switched majors. You have to be open minded to try different things, but once you find it... you will definitely know!

    xoxo Dani

  19. I think that job shadowing is so important! I once job shadowed someone in HR, and I now know I have no desire to work in that field.

    As someone who has already completed college, I don't think there're anything wrong with declaring a major if you already know what you want to do or if you're interested in something. In my experience, some of my core classes were major specific.

    XO, SS || Seersucker Sass

  20. Deciding on a major and possible career was crazy hard for me in high school.. I thought I wanted to be a dentist when I graduated high school- glad that one didn't pan out!


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